lauantai 13. lokakuuta 2012

READ ME! Introduction to Ramblings

I've chosen the name for this blog to be Ramblings, because it seems to be the only title that fits. I have no real agenda in this blog other than just to ramble on and on about things I observe and think. Just a stream on consciousness, in a way.

 There are, however, some things you must know about these ramblings of mine: they are not scientific and I'm using no hard data to back up my arguments. There is a good reason for this: these sort of texts, that I'm going to post, are in no way written in that gray scientific norm, which is usually the curse for most (in other aspects interesting) ”real” articles or books. And, besides, I'm just a lazy bastard who doesn't have time/possibilities to do research to support my arguments – after all, there are only 24 hours in a day (out of which preferably 7-10 hours are used on sleeping) and I'm just one man with a – now here's a real shocker – life.

Other reason for this choice of style is the freedom it gives. These ramblings are sort of ideas that I've had for a quite some time without a possibility to use them in my ”real science” (well, we can argue is history really a science) or in my literature (horror-scifi-fantasy-other mumbojumbo -fiction). When I was writing the first rambling I found the process very liberating – to be able to just say what I think about this and that subject without being worried about the accuracy of my non-existing footnotes or the correct interpretation of the source material.

 However, I'm not ruling out the possibility that in some later ramblings I'm going to use (intentionally) someone else's theory/idea/point. When this happens, I'll make sure to make you know it has happened. Other times, if I'm using someone else's point or theory and not putting a ”Further Readings” at the end, I'm unaware of the non-originality of my rambling. Please, if I violate someone's copyright unintentionally, do not shut my blog down or do any other youtubian action against me – just simply inform me about the fact that I have (I must emphasize this: without any intention to do so) stolen your/someone's idea, and I'll promise to edit the problematic post at first place. If I don't do that, please, shut my blog down, you have a right (and my permission) to do so.

What is that I want you to know: A) don't take my ramblings too seriously – they are not meant to be super-serious even if the point (buried deep under stupid jokes and even stupider examples) is; B) I'm not trying to pursue any political/economical/religious/ideological agenda – I'm just being me; C) I'm getting no money out of this – I'm writing these ramblings just for the fun of it and to train my English; D) I'm not trying to steal anyone's ideas, just promoting my own.

And remember: always look on the bright side of life. After all, I'm just rambling.

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